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St John's Parish Church, Watford

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Welcome to St John's Church, Watford

Welcome to St John's Church, Watford, a member of the Church of England.

The words most often used about us at St John’s are welcoming, friendly, and traditional. Our church is in the middle of the town of Watford, a thriving multi-cultural hub on the outskirts of London. Our congregation includes all ages from babies to people now in their nineties who have attended St John’s their whole lives. Our congregation and community includes many nationalities, cultures, and diversities, and we strive to make everyone feel equally valued and welcome.

Our mission is serving God, serving our community, and serving you. We have a vision of enriching the lives of individuals within our parish and community through sharing God’s Word and sacraments. We pray that St John’s will become the heart of the community: alive, welcoming and relevant for all.

quote imageSt John’s is a really important part of the community in Watford. The church and school are central to the lives of many residents in the town. Based close to the town centre, but on a residential street, I have often been struck by the many ways in which this prayerful and kind community makes a positive difference in the town.
Peter Taylor, Elected Mayor of Watford
quote image

Built towards the end of the 19th century, St John’s has served the area of central Watford for more than a century, witnessing to the traditional catholic teaching and liturgy of the Anglican Church over the years. The church has been an integral part of the community through marrying couples, baptising children and adults, and helping people say goodbye to loved ones at funerals. St John's Church continues to serve the local community to this day, if we can be of service please do get in touch.

We aspire to be relevant and in keeping with our modern world while maintaining the faith of the church as handed down over the centuries. Our congregation is small but growing, and we feel this is because we focus on sacramental worship that speaks to people in our frenetic society by offering a spiritual time of peace and reflection focused on Our Lord’s presence. We do have a lot of fun too!

If you would like to find out more about us please do contact us, or come along to one of our services and meet us.


Join Our Services This Week

Monday 22nd July
9.30am - Morning Prayer

Wednesday 24th July
10.00am - Said Mass

Sunday 28th July
The Ninth Sunday after Trinity
10.30am - Parish Mass with Hymns
Download the service booklets for this service

Morning Prayer Cancellations

Please note that there will be no Morning Prayer at St John's on the following Mondays in July and August - 29th July, 5th August, 12th August and 26th August.

Wednesday Mass Cancellations

Please note that there will be no Wednesday Mass at St John's on 31st July and 7th August.

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